Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes - 11/09/2021


 Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1911 hours on 09Nov2021 at the 1919 Post by 1st Vice Dexter Albright.



19 members present. ROLL CALL:

Commander Sarah Campbell – excused                     1st Vice Dexter Albright – present 2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                                           Chaplain Scott Emmett

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson - present                           Adjutant Mary Blake – present Finance Officer Mike Toms - present


Approval of Minutes

Minutes distributed by Adjutant.

Motion to accept minutes: Dave Everett, Seconded by Jay Colliers.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Committee Reports Finance Committee –

Mike Tomes reported that there is approximately $5,500 with $1,500 earmarked for Boys

State. The Boys State will be spent in the spring 2022. The Christmas fund has $160. No discussion.

Motion to accept the finance report by Don LaFontaine, Seconded by Mike Tomes. Motion passed unanimously.


Membership Committee-

Dave Everett reported: Not yet to 100%. There are 8-10 new non-paying transfers. Buddy calls were done two Saturdays ago. Approximately 200 calls were made. These calls are more important than you know until you experience it first handed.

Example: There was a gentleman and wife and brother that made calls to suicide line with no help. Dave reached out and it was the first call they received from the American Legion (he is a member). The wife felt she had no purpose and she then became involved


in the auxiliary and she found a purpose. Please remember you may be the difference. Ultimately this is the reason to be here to make calls and be that help.


Added 6-10 members off the 777 list to our post. Post is 90% with about ½ dozen away, hope to have by June 2022. We also reached another new member through emails.


1st Vice Dexter thanked Dave for all of this work. Are there any other committee reports?

There needs to be a new committee set up for the Boys State – Chair person needs to be nominated. Commander will need to appoint at the next meeting to get the ball rolling soon.


Don LaFontaine has requested that a microphone be used in the meeting so that everyone can hear. 40/8 has offered the use of their microphone.


It was advised that the Sertoma Club has pledged $900 and holds to that pledge. Mike Tomes confirmed that there is still some from American Legion.



Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Rich Carney

Bob Jennett is doing better

Sick Call:

Ken Hall – no report


Unfinished Business




New Business



Good of Legion

The 7th District -no report


Americanism – Along with Phil Martinez, Scott Emerson is taking preservation to school age children. Academically there are seven traits. Please pray for this to be a success.


Question? Is this presentation to show younger generations to share Americanism? Will you want volunteers? We aren’t accepting volunteers yet. We will take this to churches with middle and high school students.


Pass the Hat - Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat – Collected $46 and was secured in the American Legion drawers for delivery to Finance Officer Mike Toms.


Thanksgiving dinner – For the 6th year in a row, Joe Vandalez and is wife will cook all the foods and bring to the Post for anyone. Not just for Veterans. Last year 40 people attended the dinner. Plenty of help, no volunteers needed but any monetary donation is appreciated but not necessary.


Vietnam Party - 6pm this Saturday, November 13. Tony Kirk will do karaoke and there will be finger foods.


Poker event update: Money was allocated for food but hot dogs and chili were donated. Post made $400ish net. Chips were provided by Tony Kirk at a cost of $140. The allocated money will be used to repay the cost of the chips to Tony Kirk.


Attendence each Saturday: 9, 12, 14, 18. When we are able to get about 40 to 60 it will become very lucrative.


Every Saturday registration starts at 12 noon and poker starts at 1300 hours.


The event is very laid back. Winners received 1st: $250, 2nd $100, 3rd $55. Come hang out with us.


The VFW and 40/8 are making baskets. Donations, money and other baskets accepted.


Veterans Day Event – There will be a Education event on Thursday November 11 at 1300 hours. Taco’s will be available for $5 each. 2nd Vice Kip Blake will be asking questions of Veterans (volunteer at this point is Steve Milbourn). The youth will hear experiences, ask questions and learn the meaning of Veterans Day.


The Historian, Kip Blake would like to create ‘Baseball cards’ on Legion members. More to come.


50/50 drawing – Total of $53 collected. The winner Don LaFontaine received $26 but donated back $16 to the Legion.



Meeting was adjourned at 1940 hours by 1st Vice Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hours on December 14, 2021, at Post 1919.


Minutes submitted by:

Adjutant, Mary Blake


Meeting Minutes - 09/14/2021


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1907 hrs. on 14SEP2021 at the 1919 Post by Commander Sarah Campbell.


14 members present.



Commander Sarah Campbell – present                      1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - present

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present          



Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Dave Everett, Second by Gary Totty.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Balance: $5800.00ish

Slight increase due to memberships

Earmarked for Boys State: $1500.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Dexter Albright, Second by Gary Totty


Membership Committee

Dave Everett discussed latest: 4 new members:  Sam, Ben, George, and Nathaniel.  More to come on new members.

50 Year Members will receive a membership plaque, lapel pin, and hat patches: Gail Puckett, Richard Pigati, Sam Ellison.

Arther Parkhurst – over 67 years!

Remember you can do your renewals online or in person (right after this meeting).  Asked if there were questions.  None.


IT Committee -

No report.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Ron McCoy – out of hospital


Sick Call:

Ken Hall – at home

Bobby Jennett – ongoing

Mike Delaney

George Wallace – motorcycle accident


Unfinished Business



New Business


Good of Legion

Dexter Albright brought up the suggestion to start raising some money at our membership meetings by doing a 50/50 at each meeting.  This is allowed by the facility as long as it is only within the meeting. 

A motion to start the 50/50 at the next meeting was raised by Dexter Albright.

The 2nd was by Kip Blake

Discussion – The would go to the general funds.

No further discussion and was brought to a vote; Motion passed.


Commander Sarah Campbell discussed the option of a Poker event and Trivia nights hosted by the American Legion 1919.  This will raise funds needed by the Legion and support our partners at the VFW.   Need to square away details and planning. Need volunteers.  Dave Everett will be running the Poker night on Saturdays.  The first night will be members only.  Gary Totty would like to volunteer to help.

Karen Emmett asked how this will work going forward.  It was explained that there would be an entry fee to play poker, the player then gets chips to play with.  They can then buy additional chips and possibly play side games.  Keeps going until the tournament is over.  We set the winning limits.

Dave Everett, as the District Vice over Post 1919 and the Edinburgh Post, that the next District meeting would be in Duger, IN and all were welcome to attend.

Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat.  Adjutant counted $36 and delivered to Finance Chair.

It was shared that the Trivia night would look something like: White boards, teams and Thursday nights.  Dave Everett mentioned the possibility of getting equipment to play trivia on the tv’s with some type of technology.

Everyone that can post to their own social media sites would help.  The Legion will use their social media; Website, Facebook and Twitter to advertise these events.


The Legion Officers are asking for all members to pitch in in any way they can.  Volunteers are needed.  They would like to see the Post grow and create bonds and friendships similar to the brotherhood we all felt in our Military service.


Mike Tomes discussed an event that runs during football season that several VFW members volunteer to work the bar and raise money for the VFW.  Come out and watch the Colt’s games and help raise funds.  They can use stuff to give away, food, and volunteers.


Dave Everett mentioned that in October we want to do revitalization to reach out to local vets.  Previously they brought in about 20 volunteers to make calls.  The calls are scripted and he encouraged younger and female veterans to participate.

Some of the perks we will talk about; Non smoking, larger/newer building.  Be on the look out for an email.  This should start after next months meeting and around Veterans Day are great times to do these. 


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1941 hrs. by Commander Sarah Campbell. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on October 12, 2021 at Post 1919.


Meeting Minutes - 08/10/2021


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1902 hrs. on 10AUG2021 at the 1919 Post by 1st Vice Dexter Albright.


18 members present.



Commander Sarah Campbell – excused                     1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - excused

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present          




Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed out and reviewed by members.

Motion to accept minutes: Jay Collars, Second by Don LaFontaine.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Balance: $5300.00ish

Slight increase due to memberships

Earmarked for Boys State: $1500.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Don LaFontaine, Second by Gary Totty


Membership Committee

Dave Everett discussed that all cards have been sent and picked up.  Latest: 2 new members:  Donna Owens and Steven Frost.  More to come on new members. 

Remember you can do your renewals online or in person (right after this meeting).  Asked if there were questions.  None.


IT Committee -

1st Vice Dexter Albright reported that the use of Live Streaming has not yet been approved.  Still pending.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Ron McCoy – out of hospital


Sick Call:

Ken Hall – at home

Bobby Jennett – ongoing

Sarah Campbell – family has contracted Covid but are not in serious condition.


Unfinished Business



New Business

Don Lafontaine reminding membership that we need to find funding sources and ways to bring in revenue.  This was discussed at the e-board meeting and looking for ideas from membership.  Please bring us your thoughts and ideas.  Membership dues will not move us in the right direction for the Post.

Steve Milbourn shared that the VFW had a successful Garage Sale event on a Sunday.  Made approximately $575 in the 4.5 hours.  The Auxiliary had planned on doing one but it didn’t work out, maybe something the Legion should try. 

Gary Totty asked the question as to why the Legion doesn’t have a gaming license.  Dexter shared that it is expensive and there is a lot of red tape.  Mike Tomes spoke up and said that the license doesn’t make a difference, we can share to an extent.  A problem is that the VFW uses the license a lot to pay the bills.  Only allowed 3 events per week and these are determined at the beginning of the year.  Saturdays are open and the Legion could do an event.

Dave Everett discussed the option of a Poker event. Need to square away details and planning. Need volunteers.  Steve shared that Tony Kirk does Poker at the Moose and averages 60-65 people and about $3000.  Gary Totty would like to volunteer to help.

Good of Legion

The eboard and Commander will start discussing and bring forward the planning for Christmas event.

Dave Everett, as the District Vice over Post 1919 and the Edinburgh Post, that the next District meeting would be Sunday September 18 in Duger, IN and all were welcome to attend.

A discussion of the Flag Education program at the schools should be forthcoming with information.  The Post needs to reach out to school districts.  If you know someone in the schools you could help out by making that connection.  Should be 4th graders.  We have not participated in the past.  Gary Totty has volunteered to give the information to a contact at a school.

Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat.  Adjutant counted $50 and delivered to Finance Chair.

Dave Everett announced that the Auxiliary is meeting again.  It is the 2nd Tuesday (same day time as the Legions meetings).  There are membership requirements but if you know someone interested reach out to a Legion Officer for more information.

Don Lafontaine shared that there will be a Car Show, this Saturday.  Also, VFW Auxiliary Bingo is 8/15 from 1pm to 5pm.


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1933 hrs. by 1st Vice Dexter Albright. The next general meeting will be at 1900 hrs. on October 12, 2021 at Post 1919.

Minutes submitted by:

Mary Lach-Blake




Meeting Minutes - 07/13/2021


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1902 on 13July2021 at the 1919 Post by Commander Sarah Campbell.


18 members present.



Commander Sarah Campbell – present                      1st Vice Dexter Albright – present

2nd Vice Kip Blake – present                                      Chaplain Scott Emmett - excused

Sgt At Arms Jeff Emerson – present                          Adjutant Mary Blake – present

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present          




Welcome guests:



Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed out and reviewed by Commander Sarah Campbell.

Motion to accept minutes: Jay Collars, Second by Don LaFontaine.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee

Balance: $5300.00ish

Earmarked for Boys State: $1500.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Dave Everett, Second by Gary Totty


Membership Committee

Dave Everett discussed the development of a new membership committee.  Per the bylaws the 1st Vice is the Chair of the membership committee.  1st Vice Dexter Albright has delegated Dave Everett to take on the primary responsibilities.  The committee currently consists of Past Commander Dave Everett, Adjutant Mary Blake and 1st Vice Dexter Albright.  The committee will begin working on new and transfer members.  As new members join and attend their first meeting they will be introduced to the current membership. Dave has asked for anyone interested in joining the membership committee or helping out in future membership drives to let him know.


IT Committee -

1st Vice Dexter Albright brought the subject of Live Streaming the meetings to the floor.  There are many reasons to reinstate the Live Streaming; younger Veterans look for these types of meetings due to their norms.  Older Veterans or ill members could watch from the safety of their homes.

Vicky LeMasters asked if it would be similar to Zoom.  Dexter explained that Live Streaming is unlike Zoom in the way that Zoom allows for others to participate in the meeting where Live Streaming does not.  We do not want to allow the interaction due to membership restrictions and the confusion it could cause.

Dexter Albright brought a motion to return to Live Streaming the meetings – pending approval from District/State.  The meetings at the onset of Covid were being Live Streamed but it was stopped.

Motion to accept Live Streaming (pending approval) the meetings: Don LaFontaine, Second Joe Vidales.  Motion passed.


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:

Ron McCoy – out of hospital


Sick Call:

Ken Hall – at home

Bobby Jennett – ongoing


Unfinished Business



New Business

Dave Everett brought the need for a Bylaw committee up for discussion.  There are several things that need to be reviewed and updated in the current Bylaws i.e., 586 doesn’t exist any longer and the elections protocol needs review and updating.

James Pope opened up the discussion that it would be nice if there were a place, maybe in the minutes, for customs and courtesies.  For new members it can be confusing coming into a meeting and not knowing what is going on or expectations. This is to be discussed in the next eboard meeting for how this can be accomplished. 

Good of Legion

Don LaFountaine wanted to share information on entertainment at the facility.  On 7/17/2021 there will be a 50/60’s SockHop. 

Steve Milbourn informed the membership that the Winchester raffle was ongoing.  $10 per ticket and they will sell 100 tickets prior to drawing.

Dave Everett, as the District Vice over Post 1919 and the Edinburgh Post, that the next District meeting would be Sunday July 17 in Worthington and all were welcome to attend.

Dave Everett informed the membership that he will be taking renewal or new membership enrollment after this meeting.  There will be a Membership Early Bird Stamp for memberships renewed by 01 September 2021.


It was brought up that the Flag and Emblem store is way behind on orders and at last check the physical location was still closed.

Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat.  Adjutant counted $47 and delivered to Finance Chair.

Jay Collars suggested that the membership committee print new member welcome certificates.

It was brought up that some members may have received an email that stated that renewal memberships were $25.  This was an error and a second email was sent out.

Commander Sarah Campbell appointed the following:

  • Historian – Kip Blake
  • Chaplain – Scott Emmett
  • Service and JAG – Steve Milbourn

It was raised that it would be nice if the new Officers could introduce themselves.  There was a round of introductions.

Commander Sarah Campbell shared that she is interested in working on several projects, one being a Widows project.  This project would recognize widows(ers) or possibly family members of Veterans who have passed. The project might be in conjunction with students volunteering to assist with various needs for these families.  The Commander will work with Chaplain Scott Emmett to begin planning.  More to come on this subject.


Commander Sarah Campbell also is interested in developing a program/project to recognize the stories of Veterans.  There are several options she would like to pursue and will work with Historian Kip Blake to discuss options for what this project will intel.


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1935 by Commander Sarah Campbell. The next general meeting will be at 1900 on August 10, 2021 at Post 1919.

Minutes submitted by:

Mary Lach-Blake

Approved by:

Commander Sarah Campbell


Meeting Minutes - 06/08/2021


Meeting Minutes



The regular meeting of the AMERICAN LEGION POST 1919 was called to order at 1900 on 08June2021 at the 1919 Post by Commander Dave Everett.


26 members present.



Commander Dave Everett – present                           1st Vice Ralph Schuster – present

2nd Vice Ed Dunham – present                                   Chaplain Ken Hall - excused

Sgt At Arms Tyler Panter – excused                          Adjutant Cindy Coram – absent

Finance Officer Mike Tomes - present                                  



Welcome guests:

District 7 Adjutant – Gina Owens

District 7 Vice Commander - Ralph Schuster

Post 233 – Brett Harold

Dexter Albright family for installment ceremony


Approval of Minutes

Minutes read aloud by Commander Dave Everett.

Motion to accept minutes: Jay Collars, Second by Ralph Schuster.

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


Committee Reports


Finance Committee –

+120 dues

26 web payments

Balance: $5281.00

Earmarked for Boys State: $1500.00

Motion to accept Finance report: Mike Delaney, Second by Dexter Albright


Raffle – Tickets for sale – sale continues until all tickets are sold.  100 initially – approximately 30 left as of this date. Report by Mike Delaney.


Boy Scout Committee –

Flag Ceremony took place and Presented Chapter

Pack 615

Ralph Schuster has pictures to share


End of committee reports.


Sick Call and Relief

Keep in Prayers:


Sick Call:

Ken Hall – at home


Unfinished Business



New Business


Good of Legion

Gina Owens reminded members of the Indiana Convention July 8-11, 2021. All can attend.

Gary Totty asked to Pass the Hat for Christmas Party.  Adjutant counted $97 and delivered to Finance.

Jay Collars reminded members that there is opportunity to join the 40-8.  They provide 4 scholarships each year from 2 endowments.

Commander Dave Everett shared that the ‘Wall that Heals’ was in Franklin, Indiana.

  • It was suggested that our Post write Thank you letter to the group that brought it to Franklin. Maybe a donation can be made to help offset the cost to the group.

VFW Riders Group – Anyone can join the rider group.  The American Legion has not developed a Rider Group but you don’t have to be a VFW member to join their group.  There are info packets on the bookshelf in the bar area.

Commander Dave Everett can provide follow up or contact info for joining any activities happening at VFW or Legion.

The Installment of New Officers Ceremony was performed by Gina Owens.  The following members were installed:

Sarah Campbell – New Commander

Dexter Albright – New 1st Vice

Kip Blake – New 2nd Vice

Mike Tomes – New Finance Officer

Jeffrey Emerson – New Sgt at Arms

Scott Emmett - Chaplain

Don Lafontaine – New e-board member

Jay Collars – New e-board member

Mary Blake – New Adjutant


Closing ceremonies performed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1925 by Commander Dave Everett. The next general meeting will be at 1900 on July 13, 2021 at Post 1919.

Minutes submitted by:

Mary Lach-Blake

Approved by:

Commander Sarah Campbell


Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

Post 1919 Twitter

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