
Events Calendar

Veteran's Day
Friday, November 11, 2022
Hits : 136
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Contact (317) 497-3533

Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day in the United States, commemorating the signing of the agreement that ended World War I at 11:00 A.M., November 11, 1918. President Woodrow Wilson celebrated the first Armistice Day in 1919.

In 1938, November 11 became a legal holiday by an act of Congress.

In 1954, this federal hoiday was changed from “Armistice” to “Veterans” Day.

Location United States of America

Contact Information

American Legion 
Centennial Post 1919 - Greenwood, IN

1842 Veterans Way
Greenwood, IN 46143

‪(317) 497-3533‬

Post Commander: Michael Harris

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